This being a running blog where I chat about the pictures and projects which I am working away on. Check out more at Andrew Brooks Photography

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ghost Ship...

Hi there,
Just put quite an interesting shot together, it's not really a shot I want to put on my website, but was a pretty interesting find. I was getting pretty close to finishing my boat on the rolling ocean
shot, (Go here to see the finished shot ) I had the waves and the sky put together and looking nice,

The only thing I need was a good ramshackle boat, I had a real clear image in my head of the type of boat, kind of like the one in Jaws, a boat that’s seen some use, anyway, I decided to take a drive on a grey rainy day out to North Wales. After driving for quite a while and not getting very near the cost, I saw over some fields a rusting ferry, I quickly stopped my van and weaved my way through some fields and down by a stream and got really close to this rusted old passenger ferry, it was a very windy rainy day and I was the only person around, on a grey stone beach which headed out towards the miles of grey mud and then the sea, was this huge boat called the duke of Lancaster. I was kind of stumbling around trying to get a shot, slipping on the mud and falling on my ass, it was a really odd place to be alone, the wind was making all sorts of howling nose as it hit the boat. Anyways, here's the shot I got, think it gets across the atmosphere of the place

The Google earth coordinates of it are 53°18'21.11"N 3°14'14.42"W (Copy Paste these into the fly to box on google earth, see this page on my site for some more details)

And hears what she used to look like in here heyday

Oh and I just read online that it used to be called The Fun Ship, which is kind'of strange, possably one of the least fun looking things I've ever seen...


More Stereo 3D experements...

Morning all,
I had an idea that I could take some of my 2D still photography work, and with a bit of thought and some Photoshop reediting of the image I could turn the images into stereo 3D pairs, I started with the city tower shot, but now I have done some work on a boat photography shot I completed in 2D form about a week ago. with this I tried to imagine the image taken from about 1 meter to the left of the original, and with some carefully layering and cloning, rebuilt the sky and sea which were behind the object one the original image. Think I must have used about 100 layers all offset to the left or the right, to give some kind of illusion of depth within this image

Anyways, here's that shot, it's meant to be viewed as a parallel view stereo image, which means your eyes converge beyond the screen, yet you focus on the screen, kind of hard to do, but as I just made the Magic Arm music video, as shown in the previous post, I've had tons of practice at doing this, I think when I was editing that I must have been sat slightly goofy eyed at my computer for about 20 hours, not sure how good that is for a young fella. Oh, and if your having trouble viewing it click this link for a bit of a run through on how to do it.

Let me know what you think as it is all a bit experimental at the moment...



Saturday, December 9, 2006

3D Music Video...

Hi there,
Just completed a music video for Magic Arm, the video is shot in 3D, you can view it on your computer screen but you have to have your eyes converge beyond the screen, it looks really cool if you can do it, but it does kind of give you a head ache, I'm working on cool ways of presenting it at the moment, going to try the old red and green glasses. Anyways here's the video embedded in this here blog. if your struggling to view it do a search on the Internet about parallel 3D viewing and it should explain how it's done. Any feedback very welcome on this one as it's all a bit experimental.

Magic Arm Stereo 3D music video

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Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Hi there, this is my first Blog, I'm going to talk about projects and ideas I am working on and use it as a way of keeping people up to date with what I'm doing,

At the moment trying some idea out in video and using stills photography which use stereo photography, the same subject shot from to different positions, then the images are overlapped to give the viewer the feeling of depth in the image, I worked quite a lot on this a year or so ago, and now I have a good chunk of time I working through the footage I created using 2 cameras shooting together.

I'm going to make a short 3D film, by creating all the clips with After-effects then making them into pretty low rez bits of footage which can then be edited live(I'm dong to the music of Magic Arm. a friend of mine who is doing some really nice stuff)using MotionDive, this software I usually use to do Live Visuals at gigs and club nights, this will mean I can be quite spontaneous with the edit and experiment with overlapping clips which should be fun.

To get my eye in and start my brain thinking in 3D stereo mode again I did a quick project yesterday where I took a picture I did earlier this year of a tower in Manchester, this image was made by making a small model of the building out of card then Mapping shots I have taken from angles all around it at ground level, then creating what looks like a finished building in Photoshop, anyway, to make it 3D I took the building apart, turning all the walls into different layers then put them back together with some walls stretched and pulled, to create 2 viewpoints of the same building. I've got a plan to go back through some more of my older shots and see if I can turn them into 3D using this method.

This is the original Image....

and this is the stereoscopic 3D version. Your eyes need to overlap the image by staring through it. It gives you a bit of a headache eventually but is the simplest way of viewing stereo pairs...

