This being a running blog where I chat about the pictures and projects which I am working away on. Check out more at Andrew Brooks Photography

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ghost Ship...

Hi there,
Just put quite an interesting shot together, it's not really a shot I want to put on my website, but was a pretty interesting find. I was getting pretty close to finishing my boat on the rolling ocean
shot, (Go here to see the finished shot ) I had the waves and the sky put together and looking nice,

The only thing I need was a good ramshackle boat, I had a real clear image in my head of the type of boat, kind of like the one in Jaws, a boat that’s seen some use, anyway, I decided to take a drive on a grey rainy day out to North Wales. After driving for quite a while and not getting very near the cost, I saw over some fields a rusting ferry, I quickly stopped my van and weaved my way through some fields and down by a stream and got really close to this rusted old passenger ferry, it was a very windy rainy day and I was the only person around, on a grey stone beach which headed out towards the miles of grey mud and then the sea, was this huge boat called the duke of Lancaster. I was kind of stumbling around trying to get a shot, slipping on the mud and falling on my ass, it was a really odd place to be alone, the wind was making all sorts of howling nose as it hit the boat. Anyways, here's the shot I got, think it gets across the atmosphere of the place

The Google earth coordinates of it are 53°18'21.11"N 3°14'14.42"W (Copy Paste these into the fly to box on google earth, see this page on my site for some more details)

And hears what she used to look like in here heyday

Oh and I just read online that it used to be called The Fun Ship, which is kind'of strange, possably one of the least fun looking things I've ever seen...


1 comment:

Andrew Brooks said...

If you want to know a bit more about this boat go to this here page